Why Are You Recording This?
The Best ROI Snapchat Feature You Are Not Using to Build Your Company’s Brand
This year clearly marked the year that Snapchat hit it’s tipping point and reached the masses (67% of their active users are 18–35 year olds). It is no longer seen as a fad or the next best app all the teenagers are using. Snapchat has become the fastest growing social media app growing from 10M active users to 100M active users in less than three years. And if that isn’t a dramatic statistic to convince you, then how about this: Snapchat daily video views increased from 7B daily video views in January 2016 to 10B daily video views at the end of April 2016. 🙉
American University Thank You Video: The Editing Process
4 Ways To Help You Create Compelling Content
How do you create content to tell your story? Be intentional about it.
Whether we use it to our advantage or not, headed into 2016, we as individuals and organizations are media companies. With a camera in our smartphone we can now tell our story (or thoughts, concerns, or feelings) with the push of a button on a variety of platforms that is then amplified to 50 or 5,000 followers. Unfortunately, several organizations haven’t grasped that they are also a media company and need to put out content. Instead, they rely on traditional marketing tactics with a push “buy my product” mentality.
Tools to Create an Effective Social Media Strategy - Part 2 - Canva
To the average person, organization, or small business, creating content (blogs, images, videos, etc.) that are visually appealing can be difficult. In addition, you have to come up with original ideas that reflect the work and brand of your organization, but also need to present it in a way that is professional and creative. Clean and highly visualized content will grasp the customer’s attention in a split second.