Alumni Offices: 3 Ways to Engage With Your Alumni Everyday On a Limited Budget

Alumni Offices: 3 Ways to Engage With Your Alumni Everyday On a Limited Budget

Let’s face it: we don’t answer the phone anymore.

We would rather respond to a text than answer a call from a random number on your phone - or even a call from someone that we know.

Companies are becoming aware of this and are eliminating voicemail capabilities for their employees, effectively saving millions of dollars. An article from Harvard Business Review went as far as saying that voicemail has “become as clunky and irrelevant as Microsoft DOS and carbon paper”.

So what does that mean for the alumni donation phone banks that call thousands of alumni each night?

4 Ways To Help You Create Compelling Content

4 Ways To Help You Create Compelling Content

How do you create content to tell your story? Be intentional about it.

Whether we use it to our advantage or not, headed into 2016, we as individuals and organizations are media companies. With a camera in our smartphone we can now tell our story (or thoughts, concerns, or feelings) with the push of a button on a variety of platforms that is then amplified to 50 or 5,000 followers. Unfortunately, several organizations haven’t grasped that they are also a media company and need to put out content. Instead, they rely on traditional marketing tactics with a push “buy my product” mentality.